Sunday, February 20, 2011

Back to Bloging

Ok so I know I’m not the best at keeping up with this… oops! To be honest, I had kind of given up after the last blog. While I can’t lie and say that I am back to happy happy Laura, I may not be able to see a light at then end of the tunnel, but I at least feel like I have a flashlight!
To catch everything up, I still don’t feel that great. I have good days and bad days, I’m getting better at recognizing when I just need to go to bed, or  I just have to do accomplish what I have to accomplish and focus on me. In the last week, I didn’t’ just have a flashlight in my tunnel, I had a maglight! I have some great things going for me, I need to learn to just accept things and just trust that I am making the right decisions and that god will take care of things even if I didn’t make the right decision. I also need to learn to be more confident, I've never been really confident, I talk a big game... but I'm pretty insecure, but I'm working on it. I'm going to get there sometime. I can at least see now, that I can change and work on things.
This past week, I have thrown away lots of stuff that I just don’t need/use anymore. I feel like I have cleaned up/out part of my life! In the last two weeks I’ve kept up with the dishes, the vacuuming, and cooked dinner for myself. I fell better already.
If you didn’t know I got a dog. She has been a great help as well!!! She holds me accountable, she needs me, and what a great feeling that is! She is sooo happy to see me when I get home, she has been a huge boost to me, I love taking care of her. She is the light of my life at this moment! We do have our moments of frustration too, but overall she’s been amazing!
I started doing more things on my own, I was suppose to go to a Bo Burnham show with a friend, well, he bailed, and I still wanted to go. I called day of the show, got my single ticket, and went! I was in the 3rd row, amazing seat it was kind of nice. At the same time it was kind of hard, 
Valentines day came! For the first year ever, I have a valentine, and while he may be far away, I’ve never felt more loved! I got some gorgeous roses, an exquisite necklace, and some other really thoughtful things! Now that its been a week I'm going to dry the roses so they will last even longer, or thats my hope. :)

 Even hanging, they are a piece of art!

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