Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Internet: My drug of choice!

Oh the Internet! According to Wikapedia (my valid resource)
"The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries a vast range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support electronic mail." - accessed 2/23/11

To me... it's my scape goat! I spend probably 3/4 of my day on the Internet, either on my phone or on a computer. I always have my e-mail up, I can access my facebook with the swift tap of a finger.
I have a list of about 10 websites that I check daily to catch up on the news/ entertainment. I even use the Internet as my sounding board, with this blog, and my facebook status.  Needless to say, when it comes time to do my homework or to focus on tasks at hand... the Internet is always there to distract me!
So here is my thoughts... I know self control should be able to stop my Internet use... but it doesn't...
So here is my promise to myself. I'm done with the Internet, (that's a lie!) I am only going to check my e-mail once in the morning, once at noon, and once after 5. (That's still 3 times a day, I live a sad life!) I am thinking about deactivating my facebook as well. i just don't know, it is my form of communication with my boyfriend, so that seems to be a dumb thing to do, but we could use skype. If I can't get my addiction under control in the next 2 days, I'm going to turn myself in for hardcore therapy and cutting the ties. It's a warning to myself, hopefully I can follow through with this.

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