Monday, March 22, 2010

An Update

Spring Break has come and gone, all too fast I may add, but it was a great week! The week before spring break brought on a little stress. I have a few sick family members that are on my mind, but I'm leaving that to god and trying to focus on the positive. With that in mind I left Friday to go to Denver to see Chris, We got my ski's and just hung out Friday night, and Saturday we went skiing, It was a blast, and just what I needed! Now, truth be told I'm a moderate skier (in my eyes) but then whew My brother was skiing backwards in front of me the whole way down the family fun zone so I guess maybe he is better than me. Later that night we got to go see Avatar it was really good!! I really just enjoyed the whole weekend and just spending time with my brother!! On Monday I got to have some Laura time and just played Xbox for a few hours, it was amazing and it really made me miss playing video games! L But I suppose I should focus on school before video games.

I worked wed-Friday and then Saturday well Saturday Spring had sprung!!! And well although spring isn't necessarily in the air, it will get there!!! J We had a freak snow storm on Friday/ Saturday setting all of the Midwest in frenzy, but not my mom and I! We still went shopping in KC, not the smartest choice but being home with my mom this weekend was the greatest time!!! I enjoyed every minute of it. My friend also went with us to KC so that was great!!!

And now it's back to reality. K-State has made it to the Sweet Sixteen, which means, we had a pep rally that I worked tonight. But what an exciting time for KSU athletics! Go State! But it's back to reality.

Monday, March 1, 2010

When did I grow up, and why am I fighting it?

I don't know what my deal is but lately I've been realizing how old I am. I know I'm not that old but I'm the oldest I've ever been! Ahahahaha A kid that I babysat turned 14 today!!! That's just insane to me! I've lived on my own for close to 5 years now!!! My 5 year class reunion would be this summer!

I'm a full time student, and I work quite a few hours at my job, I love my job, don't get me wrong. There are days (more often than not) that I go from class to work to homework, no break not goofing off. When I do goof off, I can't truly enjoy myself because I know how much homework I really do have, and things that I really should be doing. I do like to keep busy and I don't regret my job or the hours I work or the classes I take (except music 250 it may be the death of me!!! ) It's only at times when I'm working on my homework, and someone asks if I want to go out, wants to know what I'm doing Saturday. I'll be working all day, and I don't regret it I don't want to drink myself into a stupor, but why aren't they working. How can they afford to gallivant around and go where they please? I guess I'm jealous? But I don't think I am I would never want to do those things, does that make me old?

Once upon a time going to bed at midnight was going to bed early now 11pm hits and my eyes get heavy, and I try to wrap up whatever I'm working on, because I know I gotta go again by 7 so I can hit the next day! Once upon a time I would have loved to go to multiple concerts and just run around, but now I just think that'll be an expensive night! I would much rather go to a friend's house and play with their kids (and hangout with them) then to drink. I don't want to become cynical or a fun hater but maybe my lifestyle is changing. I know some of my friends who are right there with me in these feelings they may have experienced them before me but others aren't and I just feel like I'm stuck in the middle. I'm fighting the inevitable maturity. I guess I'm just wondering Am I ready for it?