Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ok so in about 48 hours or more the last of my high school friends turns 21!! This truely excites me!! Kay will be 21!!! Janell hit it in October with a bang! ;) and Koressa in May, and I of course was over a year ago, but finally Kay rounds us out!!! I wasn't that excited at first (sorry kay) but then I realzed this is our last 21 milestone!! Our first "last" drinking bang! If that makes since. We graduate in less then a year and then where do we go? We're not promised this time togather again?! I don't want to make it emotional but these girls have been with me a lot through a lot good and bad! I know we'll stay in contact becuase it's us but it's bound to get harder! Oh well, I guess that means we'll just have to have more fun!! Well wish us luck, it could get scarey!! ;)

P.S. This is a disgusting picture of me!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

To start things off!

So this is my first blog! Just to start us off, I'm a fifth year senior at KSU, and I don't have a clue what I want to do with my life. I am really enjoying my summer of ME! My friend has been great in hanging out with me and we have funtivities every night!! It's been as simple as playing in the park but I have really laughed and enjoyed it!

If you are wondering about the title, It's my catch phrase! It's from a movie, and every time it is said I just smile! ( thanks Gregg and Chris)

Well that is all for now!