Sunday, December 6, 2009

This is what I know!

So tonight I was talking to a friend and although he’d been drinking he pointed out all the things he DID know, and this got me thinking with all that in mind what is it that I am sure of? So here’s a partial list. (I know great Blog entry! Ha!)
1.       I know that I worked 13 hours yesterday to only go into studio when I got off and I’ve been there for 5 hours now, and it’s not looking good for getting out soon.
2.       I know that when I get so tired I can’t stop yawning, it’ll be harder for me to fall asleep.
3.       I know I could stay in bed for over 24 hours and it probably wouldn’t phase me, infact, I would love to do that!
4.       I know that my favorite place is my bed at the end of the day!
5.       I know that I actually love my job, some days it stresses me out and I don’t want to deal with things but when I sit down and think about it, I love my job!
6.       I know that I love to wear jewelry but I hate it when my jewelry doesn’t stand up to the wear and tear I put it through.
7.       I know that when I’m having a good hair day I tend to have a good day!
8.       I know that I got some of the nicest messages this week, and one great wakeup call!
9.       I know that in the mornings it makes Erin so mad when I don’t get up out of bed, but I really like sleep!
10.   I know that this last semester has been my hardest!
11.   I know that Aric and Kellyn are the COOLEST things that have happened to me in college!
12.   I know that when Aric smiles at me or reaches for me to pick him up it MELTS my heart! It’s my favorite part of any day!
13.   I know that I actually MISS the kid when he’s not around.
14.   I know that I have no clue what I’m going to do after college.
15.   I know that I think about my “one” (or thier lack of) on a daily basis.
16.   I know that I miss my long hair and am ready for it to grow back!
17.   I know I could eat pizza everyday for the rest of my life and I’d be completely ok with it!
18.   I know I hate it when people lie about anything because you know you are going to get caught and that’s just rude!
19.   I know I hate it when I sneeze and no one says “God bless you” or even worse don’t say “thank you “when I say god bless you after you sneeze.
20.   I know that I love tv shows!! A good tv show can keep me glued for seasons on end! And I’ll quote the show too!
21.   I know that I could watch family guy for the rest of my life and it wouldn’t bother me!
22.   I know that I’d rather watch a cartoon then a soap opera.
23.   I know that when I think about hitting a deer with my car I get really mad and it just frustrates me!
24.   I know that I do drive my dream car, or what used to be my dream car till I hit a deer! I still LOVE my car!
25.   I know that I will think about what I text to someone and then be upset when I don’t get a text back.
26.   I know that I hate being confused, I wish I knew what god had in store for me, I know I should be more patient but at least a little map! J
27.   I know that sometimes I think in facebook status, but I try to never put up a status that makes someone feel sorry for me.
28.   I know that I’d rather have my brothers advice then anyone else, and get upset if they think what I did was dumb.
29.   I know I’m 22 and still afraid of the dark, Not like at night in my own room or my own house but outside, or in a space I don’t know! Sick!
30.   I think that Willie the Wildcat is creepy! I used to not but the more I stand around him in the tunnel the more the whole thing creeps me out!
31.   I know that I wish I had more money, but I don’t know what I could do to really achieve that right now.
32.   I know that I really love animated movies! They make me laugh, and a great one can make me cry.
33.   I know that I hate political e-mails, if they are funny great, but if not I don’t care what obama ate for breakfast get rid of it!
34.   I love the news! I like to read it hear it and watch it! A good news cast is enough to make my day!!! J

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