I've had a weekend and a half!!! Well It started really on Wednesday with a great dinner with a friend and her kids. After dinner we went back to her house and i gave her son, Aric 16months old, a bath. He is defiantly my little buddy!! I sure think he's great!! Then Thursday with a pub crawl of Interior Design students/ going out for Brian's 21st Birthday! It was a blast it was sooo nice to just relax for the night and have fun!!!Friday was a typical day work then basketball game then home to rest up for my Saturday!! Saturday it was up bright and early, I washed my car, cleaned it out, vacuumed it, showered and got ready to head up to Marysville to meet my parents to go to Lincoln for the game day! Shortly after meeting my parents and leaving Marysville I realized I FORGOT my cell phone in my car!!!! A day without a cell phone, it was just weird but kinda nice at the same time. I loved spending time with my parents and roommate spencer. I also got to see my aunt and uncle! :) after an unfortunate KSU loss I realized I'm no longer a Nebraska fan! I mean i will always love the color red and be jealous of their school colors but I'm a wildcat!!! Kinda a break through!!! We left the game and headed back to Marysville, Spence and I said good by to my parents and we were off back to Manhattan. I had 14 missed texts and that did make my night! (thanks friends) Right after we got out of Waterville I hit a deer! It happened so fast! I'd never hit a deer or even been in a real accident like that. It was kinda awful! I'm lucky and I thank god for watching out for me!! He really was watching over us!! It just hit the drivers side front panel and got poop (literally deer poop) all over the side of my car. I don't have a head light but it could have been so much worse! I was going 65, and I didn't hit my breaks at all.
Like I said god must have some great things planed for me cause I'm lucky! Needless to say it was an eventful night but I am thankful that god watched over me, and that he gave me the worlds greatest parents who were there through it all, and friends who have checked on me through out today!! So my Sunday has been lazy! (which is kinda bad since i have a paper due Tuesday) but needed to revamp and realize that I need to relax and just let god take control and he'll take me where he wants to lead me!